Hunters Hill Theatre (Town Hall)


Hunters Hill Theatre held its first committee meeting in September 1930. Over the years the productions have been staged in a variety of venues from the Town Hall to church halls, the little Stables Theatre then settled into St John’s Church Hall. Sadly vandals set fire to the heritage-listed timber hall and destroyed it totally in 1993. From there the company moved to the Anglican Parish Church of Hunters Hill and the Uniting Church at Gladesville before resettling into the deconsecrated St John’s Church, Woolwich. This was sold by the church in Dec 2016 the year of the companies 86th birthday. Since then the company has performed thier four shows per year at Hunters Hill Town Hall.

Max Seating:

Parking and Public Transport:
Sunday to Thursday discount parking is available from the Kings Cross Parking Station (entrance on Ward Avenue). Bring your parking ticket with you to the theatre and have it validated on arrival at the Box Office to receive unlimited parking for $15. Normal rates apply on Friday and Saturday.

Catch the train from the city to Kings Cross Station. It’s about a five minute walk to the theatre.

Catch the 311 bus from Railway Square or Circular Quay. Drop off on Elizabeth Bay Road or Greenknowe Avenue.