Liz’s Score 3.5 stars
As a fan of Twin Peaks and Stranger Things I was looking forward to a stage experience of the sci-fi thriller genre. The Irresistible delivered. This was an amazingly innovative and skilful production. Devised, improvised, written and directed by Zoe Pepper with Adriane Daff and Tim Watts who as the only performers in this multi character work.
The staging by Jonathon Oxlade was simple yet very effective. Seamlessly shifting the audience from one scene to another between the worlds of memory, reality and something otherworldly. This was enhanced throughout by the evocative use of lighting, courtesy of Lighting Designer Richard Vabre.
The two performers Tim Watts and Adriane Daff were exceptional – in particular Adriane, who had an amazing ability to shift between characters both male and female, with such skill that it was a mesmerising experience for the audience.
This experience of constant character shifting was elevated to an almost surreal level by the innovative use of audio manipulation (Sound Design Phil Downing). I was reminded of the voice distortion in Twin Peaks but even David Lynch didn’t utilise this technology to such dramatic effect.
Zoe Pepper was asked how the script came about and she referred to a “massive story structure….given a brutal haircut” (A Chat with the Maker in the program).
My only criticism is that the ‘haircut’ didn’t quite work. For me some parts were too long and, although brilliantly acted, seemed somewhat unconnected; for example the Neve and Christian scenes. Other stories were too short and therefore the character arcs didn’t come with enough punch.
Nevertheless if sci-fi thriller (with a comedic touch) is for you The Irresistible is a worthwhile and interesting experience.
Liz O’Toole, Theatre Now
Photo Credit: Dan Grant

11 – 15 Sept 2019
Venue: SOH: Studio Theatre
Theatre Company: Side Pony Productions + The Last Great Hunt
Duration: Aprox. 85 min (No Interval)

Wed – Sat 7pm
Matinees: Sat 2pm & Sun 5pm
By Adriane Daff, Zoe Pepper and Tim Watts
Fresh from Queensland’s Home of the Arts and a sold-out season at Dark Mofo, The Irresistible is a darkly funny and creepy sci-fi thriller reminiscent of ‘Twin Peaks’ and ‘Stranger Things’. Brilliantly textured with mystery and otherworldliness, The Irresistible is an intoxicating dive into the unconscious biases within us all – encompassing gender, class, sex, family and relationships.
The character of April has long chosen to forget the inexplicable event that defined her childhood. Her sister, Bridget, remains haunted by the event which has pushed the sisters apart over the years. When April’s niece comes to stay, the shadowy memory that has permeated every moment of their lives begins to take shape and take over.
The audience are drawn through parallel narratives through innovative use of simple staging, ingenious audio manipulation and two spellbinding performances from Adriane Daff and Tim Watts. Locations and time bleed into one another with dreamlike fluidity as performers transition from one character to the next at breakneck-speed, making The Irresistible both utterly original and deeply affecting.
The Irresistible is the exceptional first collaboration between Side Pony Productions (The Confidence Man, The Pride) and The Last Great Hunt (Falling through Clouds, The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik: Deep Sea Explorer).